Ave Speed 13.4mph
Dis 5.29miles
Max Speed 21.2mph
Time 23.10sec
15sec holds / 15sec recovery for 12mins of ride.
Straight after i went into Co2 tables...
2mins NTB
2min hold
1min NTB
2min hold
30sec NTB
2min hold
15sec NTB
2min hold
15sec NTB
2min hold
I then went into packing stretches which felt good but slightly painful this time, i guess it's just stretching out parts i have not stretched before? All in all another good session, tomorrow I'm off to the pool for static training and dynamics which i will be pushing hard to improve on previous weeks.
1 comment:
Hi Chris,
Can you please tell use how the 12 minuten ride felt and how the CO2 table felt?
cheers, Eric
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