Statics were not great and went like this...
Hold 1: 2min (no breath up)
Hold 2: 2min 15sec (no breath up)
Hold 3: 1min (FRV hold)
Hold 4: 1min 15sec (FRV hold)
Hold 5: 3min 30sec (2/4/2 breath up + packing)
Hold 6: 4min 15sec (2/4/2 breath up + packing)
Hold 7: 5min 35sec (2/4/2 breath up + packing)
The last hold i packed too much and was fighting to keep the air in which made the hold uncomfortable. I took minimal contractions as last week on all the holds but felt really bad stomach pains during training from the baking soda.
Bike stats were
Ave Speed: 14.3mph
Dist: 5.27miles
Time : 22mins
Max Speed : 22.9mph
I am still using the 15sec breath holds for the first 12mins of the ride and came home for some more Co2 tables which went well.
Dynamic training was more like dodge the diver training as the pool was very busy so i concentrated on my turns for about half an hour.
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