Tuesday 19 May 2009

Extra Pool Training...

The good people of http://www.swallowsleisure.com/index.html who facilitate all my training needs agreed to give me an additional training session on Monday nights leading into the last two weeks of my training before the pool comp. I spoke to Chris Mortimer who works at the center last week and let him know that i would like to do a write up in the Kent Messenger after the comp to give a big thank you to all at Swallows.

Statics went fine and i completed a nice easy 5min 47sec hold with about 30 contractions. The holds between were not great and all around the 3min 45sec mark at the start of contractions but i did 4 of these with only one minute in between.
Hold 1 : full exhale full inhale 1.50sec
Hold 2 : same as hold one
Hold 3 : FRV (empty lung) 1min
Hold 4 : as above
Hold 5 : 2/4/2 breath up 3.45sec
Hold 6 : 2/4/2 breath up 3.45sec
Hold 7 : 2/4/2 breath up 4min
Hold 8 : 2/4/2 breath up for 3mins 5.47sec

I then practiced some dynamic technique over 100mtrs which i was very happy with especially with the turns.

Another big thank you to swallows for letting me train and lending me some staff to safety!

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