It's been a busy few days since training Monday, on top of my training i also managed to get back to the doctors to get my second
spirometer test done. Published results at the end of this post, as you can see my
FVC (full
volume capacity) has gone up from
6.73ltrs to
7.12ltrs. Very happy with the results and also the overall results this week.
Pool session also went great and i completed a good solid
6min 05sec static with only 30 contractions.
Hold 1 : full exhale/ full inhale 2min
Hold 2 : as above
Hold 3 :
FRV 1min
Hold 4 :
FRV 1min 10sec
Hold 5 : 2/4/2 breath up 3min 45sec
Hold 6 : as above 4min
Hold 7 :
FRV 1min 57sec
Hold 8 : 2/4/2 breath up + packing 6min 05sec
As you can see i did not carry out a normal 7
th hold but replaced it with a
FRV hold this way i get the full 45min in my warm up area before my max attempt when i compete. I was really happy with this performance last night.
Dynamic was hard over only 100
mtrs, just could not get into my dynamic tonight but hey
hoo, I'm happy with everything else.
Bike Stats (today)
Ave Speed : 14.9mph
Dist : 5.31mile
Time : 21.18sec
Max Speed 24.4mph
Really good bike ride and was carrying out the normal 15sec holds throughout the first 12
mins as before.

FEV1 - Forced Expiratory Volume in one second. This is the amount of air you can blow out within one second. With normal lungs and airways you can normally blow out most of the air from your lungs within one second.
FVC - Forced Vital Capacity. The total amount of air that you blow out in one breath.
FEV1 divided by FVC (FEV1/FVC). Of the total amount of air that you can blow out in one breath, this is the proportion that you can blow out in one second.
My results Nov 08....................... My results May 08 FEV1 4.83ltrs (128%)........................... FEV1 4.89ltrs (131%)
FVC 6.73ltrs (149%)............................. FVC 7.12ltrs (159%)
FEV1/FVC 72 (base) 92 (max)........... FEV1/FVC 69 (base) 92 (max)
Lung Age Less than <20yrs................ Lung Age less than <20yrs