I'm very much in a self experimental mode of my training at the moment and trying to find how my body reacts to different types of breath up's, diets etc.
Tonight at the pool i didn't start of with the normal FRV (empty lung) holds and left the snorkel at home which i usually use in between holds with my face emerged to promote the dive reflex. Instead i tried the following....
Relax for 2mins
Full exhale-Full inhale (no packing)-Hold to 10 contractions (2min 12sec)
Relax for 2mins
Full exhale-Full inhale (no packing)-Hold to 10 contractions (2min 34sec)
Relax for 2mins
Full exhale FRV (empty lung)-Hold to 10 contractions (1min 10sec)
Relax for 2mins
Full exhale FRV (empty lung)-Hold to 10 contractions (1min 27sec)
Relax for 2mins
Hyperventilate for 2mins-Full exhale-Full inhale (packing) Hold to 10 contractions (4min 15sec)
Relax for 2mins
Hyperventilate for 2mins-Full exhale-Full inhale (plus packing) Max hold attempt (5min 53sec)
The total time of the last static hold was my best yet and i was very happy with the outcome but the experience i had at the end of the hold was very new to me.
At 5min 20sec i remember looking at my watch, I'd already hit 60 contractions which i went through very fast (so fast, i couldn't count most of them) i had a small exhale of air which i normally do which is my indicator for the end of a hold but for some reason i became very peaceful and contractions stopped? I remember looking at the bottom of the pool and thinking to myself "this is easy" "i could stay down here for ages" i looked at my watch again and it was 5mins 50 sec. Some 30secs had past during this feeling of euphoria but my sub conscious told me to surface which i did. I surfaced clean, took three recovery breaths and removed my goggles.
I must of been very hypercapnic at the start of the hold and my O2 levels dropped very low with no or very little CO2 to warn me i was running low on O2. Black out was extremely close but avoided.
I went straight into dynamic training after to try out some new swim trousers (triathlon type) which i found to be great, my wet suit which i normally use retained too much water causing way too much drag and i found that i was less buoyant with the trousers on which meant i could pack a little more than normal. I also tried some different kick styles which seemed to have worked well.
When i got home i went straight to bed but found myself tossing and turning most of the night and slept for about 3hrs during the night? I also woke up with very painful ribs / lungs which i think was due to the workout they had, had during training.
I will be resting for the remainder of this week...
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