Here is some video footage taken by my wife from tonight's training. I was working on my dynamic technique (
100mtrs) which seemed to go o.k. My turn at 75
mtrs was dreadful but the performance felt comfortable. I should have pushed a little harder tonight up to 125
mtr mark which i will attempt next week. I had a bad cold or "man flu" last week and my chest still felt sore tonight whilst training but I'm glad to get some video footage done so i can see what my technique is looking like and what i need to improve on. Judging by the footage i need to improve on everything. I'm using a kick-kick-glide technique which I'm finding good but looking at the footage i need to provide more of the power from the core of my body and not so much from my legs.
The video below is a 6min 03sec static, didn't feel as easy as last weeks. My chest was hurting from "man flu" and probably shouldn't of trained tonight? I am happy with the performance but didn't enjoy this one. Maybe it was because i knew i was on video and wanted to get it posted on here so felt pressured to perform. Not a good outlook to have if i want to compete in next years 2nd Camberwell Breath Hold?
I am very very disturbed to see you training without a buddy, having someone shoot your session is one thing..having a buddy in the water is completly another. You are not only putting yourself in a very dangerous position BUT you are putting that sport you are so very much in love with also.
There are NO excuses, you have 'apparently' had proper training - display it.
Shame you left your comment "anonymous" has i could of gave you a good answer! I leave no room for errors when i train and there are not one but two people standing by me when i train (standing outside picture) one of these people also have an o2 pack in case of emergency. I have been trained properly and unfortunatly did not want to display them in my video. Sorry. Thanks for expressing your concerns.
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