I went back to training at the beginning of this week and done some light statics all around 4mins and then done some very light DNF (dynamic no fins) i found i could swim really slowly for around 2mins 40secs which i was pleased with.
I then trained mid week but researched a lot more into diet and blood Ph levels by searching through some great threads on the deeperblue forums. An acidic blood Ph level aids in the way the body copes with Co2 so a lower Ph level is favourable amongst freedivers. I obtained this by eating quite a lot of citrus fruit 2hrs before my training and accompanied this with garlic supplements and green tea to lower BP. I had 3-4 lemons squeezed into my green tea (god it tasted like cr#p) I am going to try citric acid from the chemist next time and mix around 10mg into some juice as i think this will be less painful on the pallet than the lemons.
I trained statics for around 30mins and hit 5min 02sec on my 3rd attempt, taking only 60 contractions so maybe there is something in the research on lower blood Ph. I am only going to attempt to change by Ph on the days that i train and not make it a long term habit.
I tried some different weight this time for dynamic training which i found to be too heavy so i ended up with 2kgs around my neck and 1kg on my belt which seemed to be right although i could still not glide well? Back to drawing board on this one! As i haven't pushed my dynamic training since i hit 100mtrs i am now falling back on performance, i intend a max performance in dynamic next week to keep my goals in sight.
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