Quoted from freediving explained...
Breathing through straws stretches and strengthens the intercostal muscles which is very good for freediving. Also, while breathing through an airway constrictor we limit the amount of CO2 that is being expelled from our body with each breath - thus building tolerance to higher then normal concentrations of CO2 in our system - also very good for freediving.
I went to the pool on Wednesday as i usually do at 20.00hrs but had a bit to eat before hand (my daughters birthday) but i did manage to have two lemons fully squeezed into some green tea two hours before i went.
Statics were a disappointment and although i tolerated the contractions much better i only managed 4min 46secs on my final attempt! The contractions started early but i managed to slowly go through the first 18 and hitting 60 in all. I guess the Ph changes in blood do help but the birthday cake didn't!!
I then went on to some dynamic work and did a very easy 75mtrs and then set to work on my gliding technique. I used only the 2kgs neck weight and ditched the belt. With some conscious control of my pitch whilst gliding i found myself cutting down from 13 kicks per 25mtrs down to only 6 kicks per 25mtrs. This is what i have been working towards for a few weeks now and managed to crack it at last.
Next week i will try a 75-100mtr DYM using only 6-7 kicks per 25mtrs and see if the total dive time decreasing distance in my performance (it shouldn't as i will be using less energy and O2)
I have been taking my supplements (B Complex, garlic, Vit C, Omega 3 oil) in the evenings but found it better relating to performance if i take these in the mornings so I'm going back to what worked last time.
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