Monday 9 January 2012

Progress vs. Injury

After my last update i made some minor changes to my tables, most of my weekly tables were Co2 but for the last week or so i converted these over to O2 tables which increased my dynamic distances. The plan was to keep to 100mtr sessions going until i got comfortable with them. The week after the O2 tables i completed a very easy 125mtrs dynamic. Static sessions are still pants, all around 4min 30sec although I've adjusted my tables up to 2min 45sec now and only feeling a few contractions during the middle holds. Maybe time to adjust upwards to 3mins now?

I took four days off after the new year and on day 3 had some lower back pain, i did nothing to induce it as i was spending the time resting? I woke on the forth day and was unable to move. Mrs H took me to the hospital and i was told I'd make a fairly quick recovery as it was only a spasm, the next two days i went to work and could hardly move, my back has swollen significantly and i ended up back in hospital. My lower back muscles were torn from my spine and severely sprained! Leaving the hospital loaded with more drugs than a Colombian drug dealer i began the long and slow road to recovery. 7 days to see some improvement and 4wks to recover (10wks if i didn't get the recovery right!!) Competition is in 9wks so i need to get the recovery right and i also need to renew my BFA membership and get a Doctor to sign me off as fit to dive, should be interesting!


Unknown said...

Chris hope that you get better soon. But the comment about the Colombian drug dealer, in my opinion is disrespectful. I'm a Colombian freediver and can tell you that Colombia is much more than that.

Chris Holmes said...

Hi Frank - No disrespect intended my friend. Just a figure of speach. I'm married to an Essex girl and no she doesn't wear white stilletoes! Lol

Hopefully no harm done i'm sure Colombia is an amazing place.

Kind Regards & Respect