Quick update, training last week went really well. I stopped the Co2 & O2 tables and used crazy tables all week instead. I went to the pool on Friday and aimed at a one off, no warm up dynamic with fin performance. It's a 33
mtr pool so 4 lengths would be almost P.B for me. I took my time in terms of stretching and completed a very quick crazy table at pool side which only lasted 3
mins. I started at the deep end so i would end up in the shallow end and Tim my safety partner (who is coming along nicely with bi-fins at the moment) would meet me on my last length. After 99
mtrs i felt really comfortable but
surprised i wasn't really feeling any discomfort so popped up just short of P.B. When i surfaced i felt fresh and took a coupe of recovery breaths and felt fine. A really happy moment as this was me back on track to a fairly decent performance.
I still haven't done a max out static yet and i still haven't done a static in the water since 7
mths ago, it will be interesting entering a comp without doing any wet statics but as i said when i started training again,
I'm only here to get white cards this year and
I'm keeping the numbers, distances and depths secondary.
Back in the Underwater Studio's on Friday where me a Tim will be doing O's & X's underwater and maybe
Rubix Cube, should take the mind of the contractions!
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