This week has been going okay so far, no work for a week is giving me loads of time to concentrate on my training. Gym sessions in the morning are going well, i bought a power-lung so i can now throw away the straw I've been using (not the same one i hasten to add!!). The power-lung makes breathing in or out as hard as you like as its fully adjustable and i find it great to use when using the rowing machine or x trainer. After 5
mins your body feels fairly deprived of O2 and the urge to spit it out of your mouth becomes greater and greater! All fun stuff, honest.
Co2 tables look like this at the moment.....1min initial rest
2min 30sec hold
rest for 2min
2min 30sec hold
rest for 1min 45sec
2min 30sec hold
rest for 1min 30sec and so on down to 30sec rest and into the last hold of 2min 30sec.
O2 tables look like this at the moment.....1min initial rest
1min 15sec hold
45sec rest
1min 30 hold
45sec rest
1min 45sec hold
45sec rest
2min hold and so on up to 3min hold.
Both feel about right for now although i feel i get more out of the O2 tables? Not sure why but I've never done too many O2 tables before but they feel like they give my body more to think about. Diet is also changing now, Mrs H bought a great smoothie maker today and i had my first Carrot, Curly Kale, Banana, Cucumber, Spinach, Celery, Blueberry, Apple, Lime & Millions of nuts and crushed ice smoothie!!! Yum Yum!!! I used a high alkaline diet last year which i proved to have great results from, although I'm not going completely veggie i will be having these morning and afternoon which will hopefully give me the stuff i need to get me through.
Unfortunately the pool session for tonight was canceled but I'm off to the film studios on Friday with
Basildon Sub-Aqua club which is a deep tank used for
errrr films! Just going to use it for lots of
FRC dives and some Co2
tolerance training.
More of the same tomorrow...