Cyprus was a great break for me and the family, we went to out there for 2wks and are now well & truly rested! I also meet up with Simos who was getting hitched to Katie and when we finally met up it was in the middle of the sea outside of Green Bay. It was great to meet up as we only met up for a few minutes at the Camberwell breath hold comp and have been e mailing each other for ages, We took some pics whilst out in the sea and caught a pipe fish and bite it to death (sorry no spear gun) anyway congrats Mr & Mrs Simos!
I went back to training last Sunday and done some cycling and some relaxation stuff, not really my cup of tea but i know it is key to good performances now after my poor static at my fist comp. This doesn't mean I'm going into meditation, yoga, chanting or anything else, just getting my resting heart rate down and finding tune with my breath.
Both sets of cycle stats although very poor are as follows...
Dist : 5.25miles
Time : 19.34sec
Ave Sp : 14.9mph
Max Sp : 22.1mph
Dist 5.25miles
Time 22.10sec
Ave Sp : 14.2mph
Max Sp : 19.9mph
I was smashing these times up to my comp and holding my breath whilst doing so every 15secs so i have to get my base fitness levels up and improve. I went to the pool on Wednesday and and did my first static session for 5wks and gave up after i hit 3mins 30sec!! I could believe that my times were down that low. I managed some DNF over 50mtrs and went home. Today my bike session still felt hard and i stopped poncing around with relaxation and did some Co2 tables and now i feel a bit more confident about going over 5mins at the pool this Wednesday.
I finally got my Orca suit last week but it was the wrong one and wrong size, there are no size 6 anywhere in the world so I'm shopping around for something else. I met with some Tri-Athlete guys today for some advice and they have pointed me in the direction of 2XU suits which fit my budget and will do the job!
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