Anyway, i didn't train static last week due to my chest infection and just played about a bit and boy did i pay the price this week. I stopped eating 4hrs before training and prepared myself in the usual way and headed off down to the pool.
My breath up's / warm ups were o.k, i completed the warm up holds as i have listed before in this blog and the times seemed average but on the last hold i thought i was doing well with dealing with my contractions as i took the first 20 really slowly. After taking 60 contractions i looked at my watch and felt really DISAPPOINTED!! 4mins 53sec. My first contraction must of kicked in very early due to my un-relaxed state and coldness.
Full inhale (2min 11sec) 2min rest
Full inhale (2min 33sec) 2min rest
FRV empty lung hold (1min 11sec) 2min rest
FRV empty lung hold (1min) 2min rest
Full exhale / inhale plus packing (4mins)
Full exhale / inhale plus packing (4min 53sec)
I just couldn't get my mind into it tonight, the pool was cold and i just couldn't relax my body. My dynamic was rubbish too, again i felt uncomfortable and surfaced at 75mtrs then just done a few lazy lengths to work on my glide (which did go well)
I always feel really down if my performances are below what I'm capable of but i know i cannot be at my peak performance 100% of the time. I'm not going to set new P.B's week in week out. I'm going to do a few dry statics this week and go through some Co2 tables which I've never been a fan of but i know they will certainly give me a little more confidence when i train next week.