Saturday 12 November 2011

Pool Training

Friday night was my first proper pool training session for a long time and also an opportunity to see if the Co2 tables and training schedule were working? I didn't eat from 3pm and entered the water at 8:30pm for static session.
2min hold no breath up
2min hold no breath up
Empty lung hold 1min no breath up
2min breath up + 2/4/2 breath up for 1min - 3min 30sec hold
2min breath up + 2/4/2 breath up for 1min - 4min hold
I only targeted a 4min hold, it felt fine and no issues with contraction strength, i always target lower than what I'm able to do as it leaves a more positive feeling after the session. Dynamic was more of a try out in terms of weighting, gliding and technique as it been a very long time, i targeted only 75mtrs and done this with ease, i was very tempted to carry on to 100mtrs but again i wanted to keep things positive. Over all a great session and happy with the outcome of my first pool session in a long while, another two weeks of tables before hitting the pool again to see what's what!

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