Training has started once again and onto the dreaded tables, the bread & butter of our training. It was also great to get back in the water whilst in Cyprus last week and also give the ears a bit of a check over, all good! Last week a completed 2min tables with repetitive rounds of 15sec rests at the end, ouch! By the end of the week i was only having one contraction so i decided to mix it up a little this week before i increase my normal tables to 2min 30sec. This week i have been doing repetitive 2min holds with 15sec breaks and then a crazy table of 4mins at the end, starting off empty and taking small sips of air until fully packed over the 4min time frame. These will increase to 5min crazy tables in the next 4wks.
It was great to get down to the www.actionunderwaterstudios.com on Friday night for some deeper statics with Tim my safety diver, at almost 6mtrs deep its great to sit at the bottom and chill out after a stressful week at work. www.basildonsubaqua.com continue their amazing support in all my training needs, big thanks guys!
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