2010 has not been kind to me, lack of experience? Yes! Over training? Yes! Fed up of contractions? Yes! Had enough of red cards? Yes! So what to do? Well since the Liverpool comp i have stayed away from the pool and the daily Co2 tables, i have decided to take a small break from training for now and give my body and mind some time to repair. The weight is slowly going back on which is great seeing i lost almost a stone during March and eating 5 times a day is enjoyable, especially since I'm eating all the things i should stay away from. I'll start training again in a week or so which will mean my body would have had a 5wk rest. When i return to training there will be some big differences in my approach, mainly down to what i have learnt and also what my body is telling me. 2009 was a great 1st year for me but one that cant be repeated with my current training regime, my approach gave me quick big performances but were rubbish for my long term development. Here's to rest and here's to the rest of 2010!
I did manage to get myself down to SaltFree at Chepstow last weekend. It was great to get back into the green with some familiar faces and work on some of the things i learnt in Dahab last month. The sun was glorious but the water was freezing! 4-5 degrees. This made relaxing hard and mouthfill even harder. During a simple 30mtr dive i found myself with my first throat squeeze. Not pleasant but not painful, again i learn another lesson...keep ya chin tucked in and dont look for the plate.
Hi Chris,
Good to hear you are back in the game!
So what were the things that gave you results quickly but were rubbish long-term?
Good to hear from you Eric, i think i just need to make things simple for once, not to over complicate training. Simple tables both Co2 & o2. I think that my breath up's were not right and warm up's too long. I'm going to start again next week and keep it simple,hard but rewarding, this will give me good tolerance and a strong mind! No more hyperventalating, although this will bring my times, distances down to begin with they will be more pure and better for long term development. Fingers crossed or course!
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