Today she said "i going to try for two lengths" but knowing how tired she gets on the 25mtrs i doubted this and said "come on, get on with it", "what if i swim three lengths?" and so on...
She got ready and off she went, one length seemed easy and she turned and off she went again, i couldn't believe that she was going for 50mtrs! At the end of the 50mtrs she turned again, the encouragement kept coming and before i knew it she was turning at 75mtrs. She managed a huge 100mtrs, spent most of it underwater and finished each length off with a nice little dolphin kick.
I was absolutely made up!!!!
Later this afternoon i went for a ride on my bike as i thought one week off training would be more than enough (i cant stand sitting around for too long) bike stats were down but to be expected as i have done no cardio for ages.
Ave Sp : 13.9mph
Dist : 5miles
Time : 21.26sec
Max Sp : 23.9mph
The wind was really strong so the ride back through the country lane was hard. It felt good to get back in the saddle and get the heart racing once again. I'm stripping my training right back to the most basic parts now so Co2 tables and O2 tables start tomorrow with a difference. Weight is still not going on even though I'm eating for England at the moment, 11st 02lbs, I've only put 2lbs on in the last week!
I'm gagging to get back in the pool on Wednesday night and start all over again.
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