I'll go back to 2min 45sec Co2 tables again tomorrow and Wednesday try another 5min static wet then carry on for the rest of the week with the tables.
Holds went something like this.....
2min slow breath up 2min 15sec hold (1st contraction)
2min slow breath up 2min 30sec hold (1st contraction)
2min 2/4/2 breath up 3min hold (1st contraction)
2min 2/4/2 breath up 5min hold (1st contraction kicked in just after 3mins)
I was expecting the 1st kick to come in at 3min 15sec on the 4th hold but this shows i still need lots of work on my tolerance to Co2, i used to use 2/4/2 breath up's for everything, now only using for performance holds. This allows my body to adjust better to Co2 and wont have negative effects as before as i wont be using them long term. All in all happy chappy tonight!