work and relaxed with my Daughter, hadn't trained since last Tuesday and wasn't really expecting much at all. I started again by just timing when the first contraction kicked in on each hold.
Hold 1 : 2min 30sec (1st contraction)
2min rest
Hold 2 : 3min (1st contraction)
2min rest
Hold 3 : 3min 15sec (1st contraction) 4 packs
2min rest
Hold 4 : 6min 01sec (4 packs)
My 1st contraction started at 3min 35sec on hold 4 and i took the first 10 nice and slowly which took me round to 4min 35sec, the next 10 contractions took me to 5min 15sec. I was going to stop but remembered i had hit 5min 30sec a few weeks ago so thought i should at least go to that point. When i hit 5min 30sec i had already taken 40 contractions so just pushed for another 31secs just past 6mins. I took 50 contractions in total but they felt o.k and fairly light and manageable.
I still believe that the hyperventilating was having some negative effects on my performances and that i may of been over training this year. I never give my body time to rest or recover. Over the past couple of months due to my performances going backwards i have laid off the hard training and rested as i was losing motivation. After tonight, my motivation is back, I'll crack back into the same tomorrow and Wednesday and see what each session brings?