Well the last two weeks training have been good, re-joined the gym and started to pile on a few "well needed" pounds. My weight is really going back on now which I'm happy with. I managed to get to the pool last Wed and the Wed night before, both sessions went really well. I concentrated on training instead of performing! I did some wet Co2 tables and then one long hold at the end of the table after a 6min breath up, nice and slow and was happy with the results. After the static session i went into Dynamic tables which i really enjoyed. 50
mtrs swim followed by 9 breaths, another 50
mtrs followed by 8 breaths and so on. I only went down to 4 recovery breaths and then quit as this was my first session back in the pool for some time, i wanted it to be a positive session. I haven't done any dry Co2 tables but
I'm o.k with this at the moment as
I'm still trying to build some strength in my back, legs and abs.
All in all a good two weeks back at it!
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