I tried lots of different approaches to my breath ups before my statics and found that my resting heart rate moved below 55bpm when i emerged my whole face (without mask) underwater with the use of a snorkel. I did this for around 5mins before attempting another personal best this week. After speaking with Ben Noble this week i learnt that we have receptors just under the eye lids which indicate to the heart when submerged underwater.
I tried some different approaches to diet too and researched blood Ph levels and the kinds of food to stay away from and those to embrace, the more acidic food we eat the more your blood levels become acidic which results in lower Co2 being stored in the body or a higher tolerance to its effects. I don't think the time I've been on a different diet was the biggest contributing factor as it probably takes months to kick in but it certainly helped. I also took 80 contractions against the normal 60 i usually take which put on the 20secs in needed to break the barrier of 5mins.