I have been mainly looking at how far i can go rather than technique at this point, i have completed 75mtrs on every training session which i now feel comfortable at.
Once i have weighting sorted to achieve perfect neutral buoyancy and get my gliding & stroke per length sorted i should be fine for 100mtrs dynamic. I have been looking at some of the swim suits which will help with my gliding but then i will have to re-address my weighting as well which should have me gliding like a torpedo!
I think the current NR is 127mtrs so i will have to see what my progress is like in the next month or so and see if this is within my grasp? Watch this space?
Static sessions have been going fine, I'm not trying to beat any PB's in this now but just going through the motions, so I'm only taking these up to the 5min mark at present.
I may of got myself another sponsor too http://www.solosupplements.co.uk/default.asp its a supplement store and I'm going to trial a supplement called Vo2 max which is based of Ph buffers and red blood cell production (or something?) not sure yet but sounds good. It's not something to take everyday but more for loading 5 days prior to a performance. Once I've given it a go I'll post some results up.