I went to the pool and did nothing to enhance my performance before, i even ate 1hr before going to the pool and had a crafty fag on the way!
I started by doing two FRV holds, one at 50secs and the second at 1min 10secs with a minute rest in between. I then went into two inhale holds, one of 2mins 27secs and the second 2mins 37secs. I completed one FRV hold in between the inhale holds which was dead on 1min.
I then went into a full inhale plus packing which i held for 3min 40secs (not looking good at this point i must say) and then completed a second with a hold time of 5mins 03secs.
Quite happy as all the warm up's a usual were only 10 contractions and the last was only 40 contractions, these seemed quite comfortable.
I'll carry on like this until next year now and then have a hard push around the end of January as since my 6min hold i have been 30 secs off the mark for a good 4-5wks now.